How Perception Creates Reality
And how to focus your lens to get what you want.

How Perception Creates Reality
And how to focus your lens to get what you want.
“Perception is Reality” Lee Atwater
What you get out of life comes down to your perception.
What you see.
How it makes you feel.
And what you can make happen, with what you are given.
The problem is: you can only succeed with the opportunities you see.
And most opportunities will pass you by.
Not because you are not capable of seizing them. Or because you are less deserving of achieving them than other people.
You’re not seeing most opportunities, because you do not perceive them.
You filter them out of your reality.
While there is one ongoing reality… every one of us experiences a different version of it.
Two people can experience the same thing, but both will perceive the same situation differently.
Because while there is one...